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SKye's Blog

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Here's something funny (Probably only to me). Any of you catch Prison Break [season premier, FOX], as the government people 'dispose' (to put it nicely) of the body of Veronica, you may notice (if you back up your recorded program--DVR folks, catch up!), as they are loading her body into the car, they put it into a car with the GOVERNMENT license plate: 1029Q, but as they are closing the trunk--WHOAH! Switcho-chango, the plate is now: 9417X how DID they do that... :) grins and guffaws.

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random Kyle XY (or should I say "NOAH", hehe) thoughts for the week: 412-DAD 412 DAD the 'bad' guys license plate. --Of course these are meaningless observations, just random DVR pauses. Only the season finale is left.. Hope you're watching.

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Some random blogs, I don't recommend them in any way... so, why am I posting them.. Well, I'm sure that there are some people on the internet that can answer that question...
http://gofugyourself.typepad.com/ (interesting celeb site)
http://postsecret.blogspot.com/ (WOW, Very interesting, you can send your "secret" in on a postcard, and this site will post it--well, they MAY post it, especially if it is artistic and so forth)
http://www.dailykos.com/ (UG, Liberal blog... No thanks!)

--Don't bother with these unless you read Chinese (I don't)

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Random Kyle XY things:
781227 4727n12218w 4227 n 12218 w 42 degrees 27 minutes North 122 degrees 18 minutes West (it's really SEATAC airport, but in the show it is a wooded area)
--If you are interested in seeing it in Google Earth just click here: http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/download.php?Number=556664

635-DIU --Deckland's license plate

(2) comment(s):
Try decimal, not minutes. It's just south of the Muckleshoot Indian reservation.
Interesting thought Anonymous.. If I use -122.18,47.27 I get: 47 degrees 16'09.69" North 122 degrees 11'04.28" West. It is definitely a wooded area... However, the only thing that I would say is wrong with this theory is that Kyle's "adoptive father" SAID it was 42 degrees 27 minutes North and 122 degrees 18 minutes West. But I like the area around 47 16' N 122 11' West, a lot better :)
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Very interesting bar surface in Germany.

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"12 9 19 7 1" - Google Search Windfall... That's all... Is it even worth watching anymore or is it just the "adult" version of 90210? It's starting to be a nightime soap opera (reminds me of "Melrose place" --not that I admit to ever watching that! *G*) Anyway, post your opinions if you watch it (or not).

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yeah, I should have read this blog first http://www.fyregoddess.com/popblog/tv-series-windfall-episode-3/ They summed it up best.
It was a show that started out with so much potential and they have already about run it into a ditch...shame on those people that think everybody is interested in trash!...maybe next week all the characters will take an unpredicted look at their values??? I better tune in just in case...but I'm considering leaving the viewer audience if somebody doesn't redeem themself SOON!!!
I agree with you Anonymous. SOMEBODY on this show should have a little respect for themself? (A person might think). --and I'm not usually one to judge the "morality" of a show. But, if the goal of the show is to let everyone know that winning the lottery will start you onto the path of social and moral decay---well, if that's their point, they are doing a good job of proving it. I am fascinated by Damien's father though... He seems to be the ONLY person in the ENTIRE show who even has an inkling of what a value is... Anyway, we'll see what happens next week.
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weihwa.feedback - Wei-Hwa's Google Puzzle Module I've had a lot of fun attempting to do some of these puzzles, and now I can have another chance to solve the ones that I haven't. These are great brain-benders.

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SKye's Blog So I notice in my referrer list that HOLY COW there are a LOT of us DVR GEEKS!!! I appreciate the comments everyone! I am thoroughly AMAZED that with websites for fake companies (anyone been to http://madacorp.com lately? [a site for Kyle XY fans--sortof?]), that someone in the SCIFI world didn't actually have a webpage for all of us geeks to have already found on Google... Anyway, I appreciate the attention, I'm sure that my site will be a drop in the bucket in the upcoming weeks, but for now, WELCOME FELLOW CSX4360 FANS!!! :) PEACE!
--oh, wait, I meant "Face front, true believers!" and "Excelsior"!!!!!

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A reference to a Big is Better LCD TV. Most of the time, it is, unless it's a short pink skirt that i like. Excelsior to all yall Creature fans out there.
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