Reply to comment from Scott:Wow... That is a great comment. I agree with the concept of it, for religious and moral reasons, but I disagree that we should just open up our borders to the world without regard just because it is the "right" thing to do. --I'm definitely not saying that the borders need to be closed either. What I am saying is that there should be order, there IS a LEGAL means for people to enter the country
regardless of nationality.
BTW--It's nice to hear from you Scott, I hope you and your family are well.
Anyway, I like what you are saying, but in the confines of what was meant to be a humorous posting, and your very hot response to the posting, I would like to say that although your comments are well intentioned, I can't believe that you never lock your front door. I guess there is a chance that you live in a place that has absolutely no crime--but I lock my door. I value my family, and I want to have control of who enters my home, I don't just leave it to chance that any d2d salesperson, or unscrupulous person can just enter at a whim. --However if someone comes pounding at my door begging for help, I will provide it ((BAM BAM, Help, there's been an accident in the street, can you call the police; etc))--Just like the United States.
However I'm not pretentious enough to think that we are doing all that we should be doing --there is obvious room for improvement.
I don't believe that the American roadsign is "No Vacancy", I believe it is, --if you want to stay in the hotel, it is going to cost you--don't expect to come here and live for free. #And I'm not talking about money here#--I'm talking about doing what you need to do to be a good citizen of the country that you wish to belong to (If you are just coming to work, I'm okay with that, but that requires that our government initiate a migrant worker program--I'm all for this--providing help, and letting you keep your dignity--honest pay for an honest days work).
IF, however, you are going to
live here (ie be a citizen, etc):
1. Learn the language [or at least attempt to](My wife, from Norway, learned to speak English--she didn't expect to come to America and have people speak to her in Norwegian) --if you are just coming to visit, then no problem, speak your native language.
2. If you want to be a citizen, pay taxes. --Even Jesus said, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's..."
3. If you want to petition the government, don't break the law.
Now, for the people that are already here, sure, I expect our government to provide every opportunity to help them in any way possible. But I don't agree with people demanding rights for which they haven't "paid for" (Again ##NOT necessarily IN MONEY##).
--So you're right in stating that the problem was oversimplified. The posting was meant to be humorous, and maybe it was in bad taste (like talking about politics or religion at work). It reflects some of my feelings, but it certainly doesn't embody them. I think I have laid it out a little better in this posting:
1. I believe that illegal immigrants have a right to live and work--and still be citizens of their native country--under the direction and conditions of a program that our government has yet to setup.
2. To have the rights of a citizen, you need to go through proper channels to become a citizen. (you don't go out and hunt for deer without a license just because it makes better economical sense to feed your family--and if there are 3oo people that apply, and only 5 licenses, there is a lottery, and if you don't get a permit--you don't go hunting illegally--IF you are a good citizen, you keep applying, and you keep waiting until you can go hunting legally).
3. I wouldn't turn away someone asking for help if I had the means to help them.
4. If you come to my country _TO LIVE_ then please, learn the language, and I promise that if I ever come to live in your country, I will do the same. (But if you just want to stop by for a visit, I'll do everything I can to accomodate you as a guest in my home).
Those should accurately reflect my true feelings on the matter. Feel free to comment.
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