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Today on the way home from a meeting in South Jordan, I saw a Tesla!!

I had to take a picture :) and I had to roll down my windows so I could hear it (Silent as an electric motor, with as much power as a Corvette

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Make your own soda at home

Fill The SodaStream BottleAdd Your Favorite Sodamix FlavorServe Your Soda
I've been using the SodaStream now for a couple of weeks, and I've had a lot of fun, I can't speak about the cost yet, but the SodaStream website says that it costs about $0.20 USD for a liter of carbonated water (then you add flavoring), I won't buy the SodaStream flavorings because they are made with some bizarre artificial sweetener (but not Aspertame, they are very proud of that). I'd rather just use pure cane sugar, I honestly feel that it is healthier. Today I made a Key Lime syrup (1 key lime and a about 1/2 cup sugar per liter---I made syrup for 6 liters using 6 key limes and 3 cups sugar), I've use Norwegian "Saft" raspberry, was amazing (in England they call the concentrated drink syrups "Squash" --I guess to imply squashed fruit with sugar), I've made my own energy drink using one of those little bottles of "5-hour Energy" and some flavored syrup, I've made Italian sodas with carbonated water, syrup (Eggnog, Amaretto, Island Rum) and sometimes a little cream. I've carbonated Kool-Aid (Kool-Aid makes a pineapple-coconut-ish one that I added some cream to and it was VERY good) Watermelon-Kiwi, Raspberry, there are other flavors that I'm sure I will try as well. Anyway, if you want to try the SodaStream as well, you can for just $19.95, see the website: http://www.getsodastream.com/

(3) comment(s):
This post made me want to drive over to your neighborhood right away and try out a few of these things. We'll have to do it soon so I can decide if it's worth the $20-sounds like it but I better do a taste test to be sure. :)
It is too good to be true, it really costs almost $200 dollars when you pay the "three easy monthly payments" of $49 plus shipping and handling AFTER the trial period.
I bought mine direct from "Orson Gygi's" so it was only $100 (I also bought an extra carbonator, and 2 extra bottles--I didn't buy any flavoring because it was made with some artificial sweetener, I bought my carbonator to make drinks sweetened with pure cane sugar). I am still on the first corbonator, and have made probably 70 bottles of carbonated water--so far, the only thing I don't like is not being able to just carbonate any old drink (they say to only carbonate water, I HAVE carbonated Kool-Aid once, already made, instead of making a syrup and adding it to the co2 water). Anyway, I think it's worth the money, but, for sure, $200 buys a LOT of soda.. (but mine will have paid for itself after I refill one of the cartridges).
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